Battletech lore
Battletech lore

battletech lore

BATTLETECH game based on 3025-3057 lore that includes tons of additional. The new "3 core books".Tactical Operations, Strategic Operations, and Total Warfare.also have quite a bit of 'state of the universe' lore, dedicating a good chunk of their nearly 4" of combined thickness to it. BattleTechs fictional history covers the approximately 1,150 years from the. Thankfully AToW flows quite nicely once the initial learning curve's said and done. History has often taught us that the path to victories in. Still complicated, at least initially, but the Battletech universe is a nuanced one. Upon Ulric Kerenskys elevation to ilKhan of the Clans, she was named Khan of Clan Wolf in his stead. A Time of War, the replacement written by Catalyst, is much, much better designed. This page lists all of them for your convenience.

battletech lore

but also very cumbersome and not well suited to being an RPG. Battletech is a setting rich in lore and the game provides tooltips for some of the more relevant concepts. The original, FASA-written RPG was statistically, mechanically, and numerically very sound. I want to get something that will make me chuckle while. I want to add entries to the loading screen tips, but only the dumbest, silliest and craziest facts in the BT universe.


You didn't miss much by having not played the RPG until recently, if at all. I have a really dumb idea for a mod and need everyone's help.

battletech lore


If you can track down some of the board game sourcebooks, and some of the older tech readouts are chock full of info you can use to get bits here and pieces well as another chance to watch the universe develop, rather than just seeing the end result. He's singlehandledly responsible for many of the twists and turns in the mythos. If you'd like to see how it developed over the years, look for Mike Stackpole's novels. It's fairly up to date with the more recent developments in the fiction, is amazingly comprehensive. ( BattleTech: House Arano: The Aurigan Coalition) 7. Portions of that story were canonized as part of the lore in a sourcebook based on the game. If you're comfortable with a wiki format, look into. They picked an area that wasn't detailed and created a story.

Battletech lore